La Virgen de Valme enriches its literary treasure with a new poetic crown – Generic English

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The literary heritage of the hermandad of Valme has been enriched with a new work: the third Corona Poética dedicated to the Virgen, a book presented in the Seville headquarters of the Caja Rural del Sur Foundation.

The work was coordinated by professor Enrique Barrera, who in his speech demonstrated his victory with Dos Hermanas and the Virgin, before starting the work, was limited and little by little, with illusion and devotion, she deepened and sought Her. She stated that the work is not an “anthology” but rather a “recompilation of lyrical works by great authors who, with her generosity, wanted to summarize this initiative”.

Also, I added that «all of the advocations are precious: Esperanza, Gracia, Rocio, Hiniesta,… but this Fernandina is particularly beautiful because it is pure poetry: Valeme, un grito de socorro ante adversidad y que todo un Rey suplicó con humildad». In this feeling, I remembered that whoever begs for his value is disabled and that the world would be better if we helped him before we had deaf ears.

The authors of the work were: Ignacio Arrabal Monge, Enrique Barrero Rodríguez, José Manuel Benot Ortiz, Daniel Cotta Lobato, Jesús Cotta Lobato, Miguel Cruz Giráldez, Álvaro Cueli Caro, Jorge de Arco, Rosa Díaz, Lutgardo García Díaz, Gonzalo Gragera , Enrique Jerez, Víctor Jiménez, Rafael M. López Márquez, Francisco Mena Cantero, María del Carmen Mestre, José Daniel M. Serrallé, Carlos Murciano, Sandra Palacios , Daniel Pineda Novo, Manuel Rámila de Alarcón, José Luis Rodríguez Ojeda, Santiago Romero de Ávila, Jesús Tortajada, Antonio Varo Baena and Juan José Vélez Otero. Special mention and appreciation have been given to Alberto Garcia Reyes, The director of the ABC of Seville, because with his prayer for the 50th anniversary of the Canonical Coronation of the Virgin he demonstrated a «profound lyricism and an encyclopedic knowledge of the Virgin, which transformed his prayer into a success».

Two acronyms

Who was the mayor, Hugo Santos Gilimpetus of the work, stated that since the Middle Ages it had been written by the Virgen de Valme, Arcipreste de Hita, Gonzalo de Berceo,… and already in the nineteenth century, Cecilia Böhl de Faber (Fernán Caballero), dedicated the first Poetic Crown to remembering the rebuilding of the Ermita de Cuarto in 1859 and a second one, by José Lamarque de Novoa, and now, in 2024, this third is “a reason for satisfaction because it continues the trend that merges high culture and popular culture”.

On the other hand, the female mayor of Valme, Isabel María Caballero Holgado, he expressed his appreciation to the authors and defined «poetry as a precious form of crowning the Virgin». I realized that the girl is open to this type of activity and she expressed her desire not to wait twice as long to edit a similar work.

The secretary of the hermandad, Rafael Lopez Marquezand member of La Plazoleta de Valme, publisher of the book, defined the book as a new “literary treasure”, which is the “crown of the Coronation”, in the words of welcome by Álvaro Viguera, director of the Fundación Caja Rural del Sur .

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