Israel bombs Rafah, weighing on the failure of the International Court, just as it announces its “intention” to resume negotiations with Hamas

Israel wanted to bomb Rafah this Saturday, a city it considers fundamental in its war against Hamas, thinking that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) had ordered the Viennese to suspend their operations in that area in the extreme south of the Gaza Strip. Strip.

At the same time, as troops advance in various areas of the Palestinian enclave, a senior Israeli official told AFP that Benjamin Netanyahu’s government has the “intention” of link “this week” to the negotiations indirectly with the Palestinian Islamic movement, mediated by the United States, Qatar and Egypt, in view of a truce agreement.

International contacts gathered in Paris, where state and Israeli representatives met, after a break due to the Israeli military operation in Rafah.

The United Nations’ highest judicial body has ordered Israel to halt its operations in this border town with Egypt and any other actions that could result in the “total or partial physical destruction” of the Palestinian people in Gaza.

The ICJ also called for the opening of the Egypt-Gaza border crossing in Rafah, a humanitarian aid crossing that Israel sought earlier this month when it began its operations in the city.

The court, whose decisions are binding even if it does not have the means to implement them, urged the other side of the Islamic movement Hamas to immediately release all rehenes captured in its ferocious and unprecedented attack on Israel on October 7.

A Palestinian boy walks among rocks in Rafah after an attack on Israel this week. Photo: XINHUA

However The judge’s requests are pending on neither of the two notices.

The Spanish Minister of Asuntos Exteriores, José Manuel Albares, noted this day in Israel that “the precautionary measures” dictated by the CIJ are “obligatorias”.

“Also high fire, kidney liberation and humanitarian fire,” he added.

The High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Asuntos Exteriores, Josep Borrell, recorded at the time in Israel that the orders of the Court Internacional de Justicia are “binding” and “should be applied fully and effectively”, after the failure of the complaint. in Tel Aviv began with the military offensive in Rafah, a refuge for Palestinian civilians in southern Gaza.

“We inform you of the ICJ order in Israel, in the case brought by South Africa (…) The ICJ orders are binding on all parties and must be fully and effectively implemented,” Borrell assured through a message on Social red.

Finance ministers of the G7, the group of six mayors of industrialized economies, have called on Israel to “guarantee” banking services to Palestinian banks, after Israel appealed this week to deny them access to its system.

Palestinians living in Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip are coming to Gaza City this time. Photo: XINHUA

New bombings

In Gaza, France, witnesses and AFP journalists shell Israeli troops in Rafah, Jan Yunis, also in the south, and Gaza City in the north.

The Israeli army announced the presence of several Murieron militiamen “fight hand to hand” el viernes in Jabaliya, in the north, and from “disparos de tanques” in the center. He also claimed to have “eliminated a terrorist cell” in Rafah.

The conflict erupted on October 7, when Islamic commands trained more than 1,170 people, including the civilian mayor, in Israeli territory, according to an AFP tally based on official Israeli data.

They too are the militiamen 252 people kidnapped. Israel says 121 prisoners remain in Gaza, including 37 dead.

In response to the October attack, Israel launched an offensive against Gaza, in which 35,903 Palestinians have so far died in its civilian area, according to the Hamas government’s health minister.

Indirect negotiations began in early May, shortly after the start of Israeli ground operations in Rafah.

A senior Israeli official told AFP on condition of anonymity on Saturday that his country has “the intention of resuming talks this week and has an understanding.”

Israeli media reported that the head of the Mosad – the intelligence service -, David Barnea, reached an agreement during meetings in Paris with the director of the CIA, William Burns, and the Cathar prime minister, Mohamed bin Abdulrahman al Thani, a new signature for conversations.

The head of state diplomacy, Antony Blinken, also spoke with the minister of the Israeli war cabinet, Benny Gantz, about los new efforts to achieve a high level of fire and the reopening of the Rafah crossing as soon as possible.

The operation

Israeli troops entered some neighborhoods of the city of Rafah in early May, due to opposition from the international community, including from Europe.

The soldiers returned to the Palestinian side of the cross facing Egypt the suministro de ayuda humanitaria slowed down even more for 2.4 million gazatís.

Israel “pursues its extremist ideology of death and destruction only with the aim (…) of increasing destruction,” estimates Yahya, a 34-year-old Palestinian from Rafah.

The humanitarian situation in the territory is alarming, with the risk of Hambruna, hospitals out of service and around 800 thousand people in Rafah, according to the UN.

The head of the Oficina de Naciones Unidas para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios (OCHA), Martin Griffiths, said that “humanitarian workers and UN staff must be able to carry out their work safely”.