2024 nobel prize in medicine awarded for microRNA discovery

2024 nobel prize in medicine awarded for microRNA discovery

Two American scientists, Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun, have been awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their pioneering work on microRNAs. This tiny molecule plays a vital role in regulating gene expression, influencing how organisms develop and function. Their research, using the nematode C. elegansrevealed a new level of complexity in the central dogma of molecular biology, demonstrating how microRNAs act as a control mechanism for protein production.

This discovery has significant implications for understanding and treating disease. The regulatory function of microRNA can be disrupted in conditions such as cancer, diabetes and autoimmune diseases. The Nobel committee highlighted the potential of microRNA-based therapies, with clinical trials underway for various diseases, including heart disease and neurodegenerative conditions.

The award also highlights the importance of collaboration and curiosity-driven research. Ambros and Ruvkun, initially competing at separate institutions, joined forces after realizing their research intersected. Their joint efforts revealed the widespread presence of microRNAs throughout the animal kingdom, underscoring the importance of their initial findings on the humble nematode. This collaborative spirit, combined with decades of publicly funded research, ultimately led to a fundamental shift in our understanding of gene regulation.

By William Thompson Perry

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